Beer of the Weekend #724: American Tripel

The beer tonight is American Tripel, brewed by the Zipline Brewing Company of Lincoln, Nebraska.

American Tripel pours a cloudy amber color into a tulip glass. Floating sedimentation is noticeable. A finger of pink-tinted, eggshell-colored head leaves spots of bubbles and a sticky collar around the edge. The aroma is funky-funky, perhaps a touch sour, and spicy. There is a lot of yeast character in this one. Malt and fruit are also noticeable, and the sticky sweet aroma of citrus and tropical fruit juices emerge as the beer warms. The flavor is delicious and mostly mirrors the smell with yeast funk, spice, caramel, ascending citrus (orange, hints of grapefruit, and maybe tangerine), and tropical fruit (pineapple). The citrus slowly vies for prominence with the yeast. The alcohol peeks out every now and then, but for the most part it is very well masked.

Fun facts about American Tripel:

• Style: Tripel.

• Price: $2.39 per 12-ounce bottle at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 8 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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