Beer of the Weekend #523: Pumpkinhead Ale

Today’s brown bottle lunch is one of the beers J-Rod bought me for my birthday: Pumpkinhead Ale, brewed by the Shipyard Brewing Company of Portland, Maine.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. A code printed on the shoulder is barely readable and totally useless as a freshness date.

Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is deepish gold with an amber tint. Two fingers of off-white head dissipated quickly to leave a skim and thin ring around the edge.

Smell: The usual pumpkin aroma is complemented by a pleasant dose of cinnamon, nutmeg, all-spice, and a dash of ginger.

Taste: Pretty tart and somewhat reminiscent of apple cider…pumpkiny apple cider. The pumpkin flavor is minor but the spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, all-spice, and the hint of ginger) are really what give it that pumpkin pie effect. As the beer warms, it reminds me of butternut squash.

Drinkability: Not bad. The pumpkin pie character is not over the top and, overall, the experience is much more like cider. But, man, I am totally over pumpkin ales for another year.

Fun facts about Pumpkinhead:

-Style: Pumpkin ale.

-Price: No clue.

-Alcohol content: 4.7 percent ABV.

-According to the Shipyard website, Pumpkinhead was first brewed in August 200_ and is only available in September and October.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.

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