Beer of the Weekend #512: Fluffy White Rabbits

The seasonal beers awaiting consumption in my fridge will need to wait a little longer. I need to start trying candidates for my next LV recommendation. And first up is a beer that I just learned is brewed for springtime: Fluffy White Rabbits, brewed by the Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project, Inc. based in Somerville, Massachusetts.

The interesting thing about Pretty Things is that it has no brewery. Someone once told the brewers at Pretty Things are “gypsy brewers” that brew beer wherever they can, but according to their website they brew beer about twice a week at the Buzzards Bay Brewery in Westport, Massachusetts.

Serving type: 22-ounce bottle. The “BOTTLED IN” notch along the side is located at “APR.”

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is cloudy gold. Two fingers of fluffy, dense, eggshell-colored head dissipated slowly and unevenly, leaving bits of lacing along the side.

Smell: Fruity with lots of spice. Apple, white pepper, clove, and Belgian yeast spice and funk. As the beer warms, tropical fruits begin to peek through. A hint of alcohol is present in each whiff, too.

Taste: As promised, the mouthfeel is quite fluffy. The apple and hints of tropical fruit from the aroma are not as prominent in the flavor; herbs, white pepper, cloves, Belgian yeast spice, and a touch of funk take over. The spices mellow over time, though.

Drinkability: It is good stuff but mostly “meh.”

Fun facts about Fluffy White Rabbits:

-Style: “Why, it’s some sort of Triple,” says the beer’s webpage. Which is why I bought it; tripel is an ideal paring for Thanksgiving.

-Price: $7.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 8.5 percent ABV.

-IBU: 50.

-Nerdiness from the beer’s webpage:

Our first Spring, we brought you a magical tree full of waving babies… and the Baby Tree has stuck around, we’re happy to say. So for our second Spring, and each Spring since, we’ve made a pale gold, hoppy triple called Fluffy White Rabbits. This is a fun and Springy beer: possibly even our fun-est beer. In Yorkshire, they say “White Rabbits” on the first of the month for luck, and here’s to a lovely warm Springtime for all of us!

I think the “Baby Tree” is a reference to label art.

-The label explains how to pour:

Pour with gusto down the center of a glass, pausing to allow head to settle, then continue. Be patient for best enjoyment!

Gusto! Enjoyment! Yeah!

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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