The Gems of Sharpless: October 10, 2012

After a two week hiatus, I was back at Sharpless in search of gems today. And the experience was a little different than what I am used to. It was windy and chilly, the front gate was closed so it looked like the main buildings were locked up, and there was a dearth of items. Nonetheless, there were still many unique gems, including those pictured below.

This had to be the largest TV remote I have ever seen.

Somebody went to the Iowa State Fair in 1985. (One thing I remember about the fair is all the free fans, like this one. One year, Des Moines’ CBS affiliate had fans with David Letterman’s gap-toothed mug printed on one side.) Notice the Jesus fan in the background.

A buxom Buddha is raising the roof.

I am no expert on collectables, but this seemed pretty rare and valuable: a tin commemorating Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953.

What the hell is this thing? It looks like an end table and chair hybrid.

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