Beer of the Weekend #725: Sweet Action

The beer today is Sweet Action, brewed by the Sixpoint Brewery of Brooklyn, New York.

Sweet Action pours a hazy, deepish amber into a pint glass. A finger of buttery, eggshell-colored head dissipates evenly and leaves a skim, spots of bubbles, and a ring around the edge. The aroma is sweet with scents of caramel and toasted malt, but it is tinged with aromas of citrus, tropical fruit, and evergreen. It smells like a solid, piney pale ale — and it tastes much the same. The flavor mostly mirrors the aroma with caramel, toasted malt, citrus, hints of tropical fruit, and pine. It is very tasty and drinkable. However, there is something missing — an accompanying aftertaste that works the taste buds. The flavor profile neglects the back of the tongue. My tongue is not used to that and feels left out. Sorry, bro — there’s nothing I can do about it. As the beer warms, though, a nice bitterness starts engaging those neglected taste buds. The mouthfeel is a little thin, but it’s all good. Toward the bottom of the pint, the pine and citrus become predominant.

Fun facts about Sweet Action:

• Style: The beer’s webpage says Sweet Action is “a beer that your brain cannot categorize but instead speaks directly to your palate.” It is classified on BA as “Cream Ale.”

• Price: $1.69 per 12-ounce can at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.2 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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