Beer of the Weekend #1,038: No Half Measures

The second beer I drank Saturday night was the other beer that heard all my swearing on that not-so-easy float: No Half Measures, brewed by the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company of Decorah, Iowa.

No Half Measures

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a nonic. The color is hazy medium amber. A finger of buttery, white, dense head dissipates slowly, leaving a trail of foam on the glass and a thick skim.

Smell: The first whiff is a noseful of creamy citrus and tropical fruit. It is like a creamsicle. It is a very nuanced mélange and is hard to pin down individual aromas. Grapefruit, orange, pine, mango, pineapple, a touch of melon, and hop bitterness.

Taste: Smooth, creamy, and tasty. Like the aroma, the flavor is very nuanced and the individual flavors are part of a mélange and hard to pick out. Grapefruit, orange, pine, mango, pineapple, and an earthy hop bitterness, which lingers on the taste buds.

Fun facts about No Half Measures:

• Style: West Coast IPA.

• Price: $5 for a 16-ounce can at the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company.

• Alcohol content: 6.4 percent ABV.

• The description on the brewery website says, “A West Coast IPA made in collaboration with Yakima Chief Hops - with Columbus Cryo™, HBC 638, and Simcoe® Hops!”

• I bought two other beers during my visit to Pulpit Rock but drank them at the campsite: Lecker, a German pilsner, and Neighbor Beer, a Czech pale lager. Both were good.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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