Beer of the Weekend #1,035: Easy Float

The Foxy Lady and I did an overnight along the Upper Iowa River sans kids last week. Passing through Decorah on the way to our campsite, we stopped at the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company and I picked up some cans of liquid bread, including this can of Easy Float.

Easy Float

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into my Schlitz pilsner glass. The color is clear light gold. Two fingers of white, billowy, light, bubbly head fizzles away slowly and evenly, leaving pieces of foam stuck to the glass.

Smell: Spicy and malty. Bready malts and earthy hops. It is a touch floral, too, with hints of lemon and honey.

Taste: Crisp with a pleasing balance between the malt sweetness and earthy bitterness, which lingers on the taste buds. It is like a loaf of spicy rye bread. There are also hints of lemon and honey.

Fun facts about Easy Float:

• Style: Helles.

• Price: $5 for a 16-ounce can at the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company of Decorah, Iowa.

• Alcohol content: 5.6 percent ABV.

• Accord to BA’s glassware guide, helles should be drunk in a champagne flute. I don’t have one of those, unfortunately.

• Ironically, this can of Easy Float accompanied us on a not-so-easy float down the Upper Iowa. The scenery and wildlife were amazing, but the river is so low that the kayaks bottomed out often, forcing us to get out and walk the boats to deeper water. It was slow, tough, and frustrating at times. Easy Float did a lot of sloshing around in the bottom of my kayak, which did not have any cup holders, which is why I brought the can home instead of enjoying it on the river. It and another can of Pulpit Rock beer have likely heard me swear more than any other beer cans in my life.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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