Beer of the Weekend #1,032: Cream City Brix

The beer tonight is something I picked up on our recent trip to the Badger State: Cream City Brix, brewed by the Enlightened Brewing Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Cream City Brix

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “06/27/23” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into Pint Glass Number One. The color is light to medium gold. About a finger of white, buttery, bubble-spotted head leaves an even skim and thick collar.

Smell: Malty, creamy, and enticing. It has an indistinct sweetness/fruitiness and is a touch floral.

Taste: A somewhat paler version of the aroma. It is light and much more like an adjunct. There is a light bitterness from the hops that lingers on the taste buds. The indistinct sweetness/fruitiness from the aroma is present, too.

Fun facts about Cream City Brix:

• Style: Cream ale.

• Price: $9.99 for a sixer of 12-ounce cans at Hansen’s IGA in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.

• Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV. The ABV is included with the words “A DAILY SIPPER” on the can.

• Milwaukee was once referred to as Cream City. Why? Because, according to this WUWM story, “of the yellow, cream-colored bricks that were first discovered and made here in the 19th century.”

• The word
brix is the reason I bought the sixer. My brother-in-law owns Brix Cheese Shop & Wine Bar in IC. In the wine world, brix is, according to Wine Enthusiast, “an estimation of the sugar content of grape juice or fermenting wine.” It is pronounced the same way as bricks.

• Also written on the can is this: “We like our beer like we like Milwaukee: structurally sound.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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