Beer of the Weekend #1,033: Vactionland

The beer of the weekend is a fitting brew to have picked up on my recent vacation in the Badger State: Vacationland, brewed by the Door County Brewing Company of Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin.


Serving type: 12-ounce can. “CANNED ON 05/31/2023” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into Pint Glass Number One. The color is pale gold. One and a half fingers of dense, off-white head dissipates very slowly, almost bubble by bubble.

Smell: It is sharp with citrus and earthy spice. There are scents of orange, lemon, and grapefruit. It is like powdered dishwasher-soap sharpness (not that I am a connoisseur of powdered dishwasher soap, but that is what comes to mind).

Taste: Bitter with sharp citrus. It is not necessarily juicy; it lacks that sweet stickiness I expect. It is bready with grapefruit, lemon, orange, and melon.

Fun facts about Vacationland:

• Style: Door County calls it juicy IPA.

• Price: $11.49 for a sixer at Hansen’s IGA in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.

• Alcohol content: 6.2 percent ABV.

• Here is the description printed on the can and on the website:

Our beautiful peninsula, known as “Cape Cod of the Midwest,” has been a destination since National Geographic introduced the world to its unique and charming beauty in the 1960s. This IPA is as distinctive and delightful as our home. Brewed with oats and wheat, then generously hopped to create an in-your-face aroma and flavor, it finishes with minimal bitterness and a creamy mouthfeel. We hope you enjoy exploring our Vacationland.

• Bobblehead has a special place in his heart for Door County and the Christmas letters sent from those who vacation there. ;-)

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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