Beer of the Weekend #645: Northwind Imperial Stout

Apparently, today is Bill Walton’s dog’s birthday. He talked about it during the Wisconsin-Cal game, and regretted missing the party. His wife sent photos, though.

On that note, the beer tonight is Northwind Imperial Stout, brewed by the Two Brothers Brewing Company of Warrenville, Illinois.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. A batch code is printed on the back label (“LOT 3384”) but there is no discernable freshness date.

Appearance: Pours an opaque black into a snifter; no light passed through the glass when held to a light. Two fingers of thick, brown, bubbly head dissipates slowly, leaving a little lacing stuck to the glass.

Smell: A big dose of dark chocolate greets the nose, and it is complemented by roasted malt, molasses, black licorice, a little dark fruit, and a hint of alcohol.

Taste: The mouthfeel is smooth and thick. Though the flavor is not as robust, it mostly mirrors the aroma. Dark chocolate, roasted malt, caramel, a little molasses, and dark fruit. There is a hint of alcohol.

Drinkability: I wish the flavor was as robust as the aroma, but it is tasty stuff and very drinkable.

Fun facts about NIS:

-Style: Imperial stout.

-Price: $2.49/bottle at John’s Grocery.

-Alcohol content: 9.1 percent ABV.

-IBU: 45.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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