Beer of the Weekend #633: Nomad

The beer tonight is Nomad, brewed by the Great Divide Brewing Company of Denver, Colorado.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. The “BOTTLED ON” date printed on the label is “SEP 11 2014.”

Appearance: Pours a clean, clear golden straw color into a pilsner glass. A finger of tight, eggshell-colored head dissipates slowly, leaving lacing stuck to the glass and thick spots of froth and larger bubbles. Steady streams of bubbles rise from the bottom.

Smell: I popped the cap and caught at whiff of grassy hops. Oooo! Up close, though, it is much more floral and earthy than that first whiff led me to believe. There is still a little grass, but it is mostly earthy. There are also scents of pale malts and lemon. The grass does reemerge after the beer has warmed, but just a little.

Taste: Much like they do in the aroma, the floral and earthy hops dominate the flavor and provide a pleasing bitterness. It has a really bold bite that lingers on the back of the tongue after each sip. Some pale malt sneaks through, and each sip is tinted with a touch of lemon.

Drinkability: I always seem to write something like, “This is good stuff,” or, “This is tasty stuff.” When I do, I am not lying. Nomad is a robust pilsner and damn tasty stuff.

Fun facts about Nomad:

-Style: Pilsner.

-Price: $1.79/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Listed on the beer’s webpage are, “Pan seared trout, grilled pork tenderloin with fresh rosemary, Avalanche Cheese Co. Robiola (Colorado), crispy Brussels sprouts, salted caramel ice cream.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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