Beer of the Weekend #616: Yokel

I had one last beer to try in my custom sixer from the Roelli Cheese Haus and enjoyed it last night: Yokel, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.

Appearance: Pours a light, hazy gold into a pilsner glass. Two fingers of dense, creamy, buttery, eggshell-colored head dissipates slowly, leaving lacing stuck to the side and clusters of unbroken foam.

Smell: Light but very crisp, pleasing, and inviting. Pale malts, floral hops, freshly cut grass, and light lemon citrus. There is also a little bit of yeast. The lemon is reminiscent of lemonade or lemon soda and reminds me of radler.

Taste: Wow. Light, tasty, and oh so good. The flavor mostly mirrors the smell with pale malts, yeast, floral hops, freshly cut grass, and radler-like lemon.

Drinkability: This is an exceptional lager. It is light, simple, and very tasty. This is awesome stuff!

Fun facts about Yokel:

-Style: New Glarus calls it “Bottle Conditioned Lager.”

-Price: The bottle was included in a custom sixer that cost $8.49 at the Roelli Cheese Haus on Wisconsin State Highway 11 in Shullsburg, Wisconsin.

-Alcohol content: No ABV info is available on the bottle or brewery website.

-Food pairings: New Glarus recommends meat pot pies, barbecued chicken, Havarti, Muenster, and apple pie.

-Description via the beer’s webpage:

Savor this creamy headed pint at your favorite escape. Here's to cards on the table, a jukebox chewing coins, chalk on your cue and your favorite brew washing down the perfect burger.

This is a whole beer straight from the tanks smooth unfiltered and without pretense. Wisconsin barleys and the finest Bavarian hops and malts combine in classic German brewing methods. You are holding the freshest possible Wisconsin beer.

Expect this beer to be comfortable, crisp and slightly cloudy. Enjoy our salute to every guy who finished his game and left the kids' quarters on the table. Remember Buy Local, Drink Yokel.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.

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