Beer of the Weekend #610: The Poet

I decided to postpone this weekend’s BotW until today. I was too busy treating the hole in my right leg last night and needed to get up early for a graphic design class at the public library. (If you are interested, I highly recommend taking Beginning Graphic Design at the ICPL. It is not offered very often, but keep an eye out for the next open course.)

The beer of the weekend is from one of the many breweries that started distributing in Iowa within the last month: The Poet, brewed by New Holland Brewing in Holland, Michigan.

Though I had my eye on a couple IPAs, I chose The Poet because yesterday was particularly cold and blustery — fitting for a stout.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.

Appearance: Pours a non-opaque black into a pint glass. Two fingers of dense, tight, buttery, tan head dissipates slowly and leaves lacing along the glass, a spotted, bubbly skim, and a ring around the edge.

Smell: Roasted malts and chocolate are most prominent. True to the style, the roasted aroma is not overpowering or aggressive. The roasted aroma is mitigated by creamy oats. There is also a little hint of espresso.

Taste: The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy thanks to the oats. Much like the smell, roasted malts and chocolate predominate but the roasted bitterness is not aggressive or overpowering. The roasted bitterness does linger on the back of the tongue after each sip, and floral hops are also noticeable on the tonsils.

Drinkability: This is a tasty brew. However, it is mostly a run-of-the-mill oatmeal stout and not worth $11 per sixer.

Fun facts about The Poet:

-Style: Oatmeal stout.

-Price: $10.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5.2 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Listed on the carrier, back label, and New Holland website are “mushrooms, beef, blooming, soft-ripened cheeses and chocolate.”

-IBU: 37.

-According to the beer’s webpage, The Poet was first brewed in 1999.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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