Beer of the Weekend #595: True Brit IPA

Bummer. No CFL games were on TV tonight. (ESPN was showing tennis instead. Grr!) I need my football fix!

The beer of the weekend is True Brit IPA, brewed by the Summit Brewing Company of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. An “ENJOY BY” date is printed on the shoulder, but it is so smeared that I cannot read it.

Appearance: Pours a solid gold into a pint glass. Two fingers of dense, eggshell-colored head settles slowly, leaving trails of lacing stuck to the glass.

Smell: Malty and floral. Lightly toasted malts, caramel, fruit (perhaps apricot), and floral hops.

Taste: Smooth, creamy, floral, and malty. Lightly toasted malts, caramel, perhaps a little toffee, a hint of fruit, and floral hops. It also has a nice, lasting bite, and a hint of zest.

Drinkability: A solid, tasty brew. I have no clue how “true” it actually is because I’ve never been to Britain, but this is a easy drinking beer.

Fun facts about True Brit IPA:

-Style: English-style IPA.

-Price: $7.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: Summit recommends serving at 40–45ºF.

-Food pairings: Listed on the beer’s webpage is, “Gorgonzola, curry dishes, spicy food, marinated meats.”

-Alcohol content: 6.4 percent ABV.

-IBUs: 70.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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