"Hot" off the Press: Weiner-mobile edition

I don't know why I find this amusing, but I do: the son of Iowa governor Terry Branstad held his wedding reception at Terrace Hill, the governor's mansion: http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dmr/index.php/2011/05/31/no-pressure-dad-just-a-wedding-reception-at-terrace-hill/. So, does he now owe rental fees to the state?
The number of "traditional" households, meaning a husband-wife relationship at the center, is on the decline in Iowa: http://thegazette.com/2011/06/03/decoupling-traditional-households-on-the-decline-in-iowa/.
Apparently, swimsuits have been optional for bathers and tubers at the Raccoon River Retreat Center, and officials in Dallas County are mulling a possible county-wide ban on nudity: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20110607/NEWS/106070356/Dallas-County-to-weigh-a-cover-up-of-its-sunbathers.
Well-educated, unemployed, and sick of the crisis their elders have caused, the new lost generation has seemingly found its voice and taken to the streets in Europe: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,767032,00.html.
You want to talk about traffic nightmare, here's a story about the upcoming 53-hour closure of the 405 through the Sepulveda Pass for demolition work: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-405-freeway-20110607,0,7664080.story.
Here's a nice headline: "Anthony Weiner shows real risk of cell phones isn't cancer, but idiocy": http://www.startribune.com/opinion/123271858.html.
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