Beer of the Weekend #241: Snowshoe Red Ale
Though the temperature has dropped considerably since midweek, the beer of the weekend is still a little out of season, especially in name: Snowshoe Red Ale, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. New Glarus’ typically indecipherable batch code is printed on the shoulder.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is on the border between medium and deep amber; it also has some caramel notes to it. One finger of eggshell-colored head dissipated to leave a bubbly and spotted lacing and a ring around the edge.
Smell: Slightly toasted malts, caramel, honey, vanilla, toffee, and brown sugar. It smells like a cool autumn night beer. (Somewhat fittingly, tonight is a cool night, though not in autumn.)
Taste: The flavor is a mélange of the scents, but a little weaker; it does not help that the mouthfeel is a tad light. Toasted malts, honey, vanilla, toffee, brown sugar, and a little hint of brandy edge from the alcohol. A surprising hop bite gives the beer a nice bitterness that I never expected from the smell. However, having tasted it, I can detect a little scent of pine. That may be my imagination, though.
Drinkability: Tasty brew. Nothing spectacular, but another solid product from New Glarus.
Fun facts about SRA:
-Style: New Glarus calls it “Red Ale,” and BA classifies it as American Amber/Red Ale.
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus brewery.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: New Glarus suggests “Pepperoni Pizza, Roast Chicken, Cajun, Tex/Mex.” The cheese pairings are: “Horseradish Cheddar, Aged Cheddar, Green Fields (Saxon Homestead Creamery).”
-Nerdiness from the beer’s New Glarus webpage:
The Quiet Man’s grade: B.
Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. New Glarus’ typically indecipherable batch code is printed on the shoulder.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is on the border between medium and deep amber; it also has some caramel notes to it. One finger of eggshell-colored head dissipated to leave a bubbly and spotted lacing and a ring around the edge.
Smell: Slightly toasted malts, caramel, honey, vanilla, toffee, and brown sugar. It smells like a cool autumn night beer. (Somewhat fittingly, tonight is a cool night, though not in autumn.)
Taste: The flavor is a mélange of the scents, but a little weaker; it does not help that the mouthfeel is a tad light. Toasted malts, honey, vanilla, toffee, brown sugar, and a little hint of brandy edge from the alcohol. A surprising hop bite gives the beer a nice bitterness that I never expected from the smell. However, having tasted it, I can detect a little scent of pine. That may be my imagination, though.
Drinkability: Tasty brew. Nothing spectacular, but another solid product from New Glarus.
Fun facts about SRA:
-Style: New Glarus calls it “Red Ale,” and BA classifies it as American Amber/Red Ale.
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus brewery.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: New Glarus suggests “Pepperoni Pizza, Roast Chicken, Cajun, Tex/Mex.” The cheese pairings are: “Horseradish Cheddar, Aged Cheddar, Green Fields (Saxon Homestead Creamery).”
-Nerdiness from the beer’s New Glarus webpage:
Settle in with Wisconsin's Snowshoe Ale. This beer is brewed with a blend of American and German malts. A complicated decoction mash process ensures a rich malty flavor. We also infuse generous amounts of Yakima Golding and Bavarian Hallertau Hops to add a special note of warmth for your winter evening's enjoyment.
Expect this beer to be a beautiful copper-red, with a fruity ale body and a spiced hop finish. Then sit back and rejoice in the season because it's these Wisconsin winters that keep the whiners out.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B.
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