Beer of the Weekend #243: Uff-da
To celebrate Bloomsday last night, Bobblehead and I enjoyed imperial pints of Murphy’s Irish Stout. It was tasty stuff, and I hope James Joyce would have approved. (Though being from Dublin, he probably preferred the inferior Guinness Draught.)
The beer of the weekend is Uff-da, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. New Glarus’ typical, indecipherable batch code is printed on the shoulder.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is a deep brown with ruby tones around the edges. Two fingers of slightly tanned head dissipated to leave a spotted and bubbly lacing, trails along the glass, and a ring around the edge.
Smell: Lots of lightly toasted malts. There are scents of caramel, toffee, dark chocolate, and maybe just a hint of coffee.
Taste: Tasty stuff. The flavor is built on a backbone of dark chocolate and caramel. The toffee and hint of coffee from the smell are also present, and the coffee becomes more prominent as the beer warms. A very minor alcohol edge is detectable in each sip, but it does not distract from or obstruct the other flavors.
Drinkability: A very good winter beer — which I am drinking in the very late spring.
Fun facts about Uff-da:
-Style: Both New Glarus and BA are in agreement: Uff-da is Bock.
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus brewery.
-Serving temperature: 48ºF.
-Alcohol content: 6.7 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: New Glarus suggests “Chocolate, Prime Rib, Bar-B-Que, Anything.” Yeah: anything. The cheese pairings are: “Gouda, Stravecio.”
-Uff-da nerdiness from the New Glarus website:
Wow. A German style beer, abiding by the German Purity Law, with a Norwegian name.
-Here are the lyrics of “Uff-da, Wisconsin!” by Burr Settles, apparently inspired by the beer and its brewery.
-According to Wikipedia, the term “uff da” is Norwegian in origin and often used in the Upper Midwest, especially in communities with Scandinavian heritage. In Norway it is apparently used “as a response when hearing something lamentable (but not too serious), and could often be translated as ‘Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.’” In the Midwest, however, it can be translated to, “I am overwhelmed.”
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
The beer of the weekend is Uff-da, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.
Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. New Glarus’ typical, indecipherable batch code is printed on the shoulder.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is a deep brown with ruby tones around the edges. Two fingers of slightly tanned head dissipated to leave a spotted and bubbly lacing, trails along the glass, and a ring around the edge.
Smell: Lots of lightly toasted malts. There are scents of caramel, toffee, dark chocolate, and maybe just a hint of coffee.
Taste: Tasty stuff. The flavor is built on a backbone of dark chocolate and caramel. The toffee and hint of coffee from the smell are also present, and the coffee becomes more prominent as the beer warms. A very minor alcohol edge is detectable in each sip, but it does not distract from or obstruct the other flavors.
Drinkability: A very good winter beer — which I am drinking in the very late spring.
Fun facts about Uff-da:
-Style: Both New Glarus and BA are in agreement: Uff-da is Bock.
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus brewery.
-Serving temperature: 48ºF.
-Alcohol content: 6.7 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: New Glarus suggests “Chocolate, Prime Rib, Bar-B-Que, Anything.” Yeah: anything. The cheese pairings are: “Gouda, Stravecio.”
-Uff-da nerdiness from the New Glarus website:
Here is a Bock brewed to appease the Gods of Winter. Hearty and full-bodied this is a "Big" bier. Brewed in the Reinheitsgebot tradition, our Bock comes by its mahogany hue naturally. You can expect this bier to be complex and smooth with deep chocolate and coffee undertones, complementing the rich bouquet. No matter if you choose to enjoy our Bock before, during or after dinner, remember to serve at about 48°F. Because like many good things in life... the warmer Bock is, the sweeter it gets.
Wow. A German style beer, abiding by the German Purity Law, with a Norwegian name.
-Here are the lyrics of “Uff-da, Wisconsin!” by Burr Settles, apparently inspired by the beer and its brewery.
-According to Wikipedia, the term “uff da” is Norwegian in origin and often used in the Upper Midwest, especially in communities with Scandinavian heritage. In Norway it is apparently used “as a response when hearing something lamentable (but not too serious), and could often be translated as ‘Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.’” In the Midwest, however, it can be translated to, “I am overwhelmed.”
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
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