Hot off the Press: River is relegated edition

CRG sportswriter Mike Hlas writes a thoughtful blog post about the world of newspaper journalism in the wake of Gannett's most recent employee purge to keep the pockets of its fat cats stuffed:
More about the DMR layoffs from WHO:,0,4227705.story.
LAT sports columnist Bill Plaschke (you know: that dude on "Around the Horn") writes about buying Dodgers tickets for $2.55 a piece and enjoying a day game in "Frank McCourt's Ghost Town" (aka, Dodger Stadium):,0,1723241.column. Poor Dodgers.
The pope may soon be pimping large in a hybrid popemobile:
Norwegians were captivated by the "longest TV program in the world," which was basically the voyage of a ship through Norwegian fjords:,1518,769826,00.html.
North Carolina may compensate those who were involuntarily sterilized by the state's eugenics laws: The most shocking fact about this for me: there were eugenics laws in the US.
The giant of Argentine soccer, River Plate, has been relegated to the second division for the first time in the club's 110-year history: HOO-LI-GANS.
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