Beer of the Weekend #238: Dancing Man Wheat
Fitting for the first very hot and humid day of the social summer season, the beer of the weekend is a little something I picked up last week in Wisconsin: Dancing Man Wheat, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. “0911” is printed on the neck, but I hope that is not a bottling date. By the way the beer smells, it is more like a best-by date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. Three fingers of thick, fluffy, slightly off-white head dissipated very slowly. The color is a beautiful and hazy gold.
Smell: Heavenly hefeweizen to a tee. Yeast, banana, apple, strawberry, bubblegum, orange, and lemon citrus. It is tinged with enough clove and pepper spice to tickle the nostrils. And, as New Glarus suggests, there is a little bit of cinnamon, too. It has my mouth watering.
Taste: The body is thick, bready, and oh so good. After the yeast, the palette immediately detects the perfect balance between the clove and pepper spiciness and the Bavarian goodness: banana, apple, strawberry, bubblegum, and some citrus.
Drinkability: After the first sip I needed to take a moment, sit back, and marvel at the beautiful things humans can create — all of which were manifested in the pint glass I was holding. Holy cow. I think I will start dancing.
Fun facts about Dancing Man Wheat:
-Style: The beer’s New Glarus webpage says it is a “Bavarian style Hefe-Weizen,” and BA classified it as “Hefeweizen.” Either way, I call it “Liquid Heaven.”
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus Brewing Company. I think every six pack sold in the brewery’s “Beer Depot” is $8.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 7.2 percent ABV, which is pretty high for a hefe.
-Food pairings: Listed on the beer’s webpage are these pairings: “Brats, Fruit Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Lemon Meringue Pie, Salad, Sushi, Chowder, Veal, Pork, Squash, Carrots, Spicy Foods, Sweet Foods.” There is also a short cheese list: “Ader Kase Reserve (Seymour Dairy), Artisan Gruyere.”
-Nerdiness from the webpage:
I think they need to do a better job of teaching punctuation in Wisconsin.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A+. (Yes, that’s right: I have grown big enough balls to award the first A+ in BotW history. Believe me, though: Dancing Man Wheat is very deserving of it.)
Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. “0911” is printed on the neck, but I hope that is not a bottling date. By the way the beer smells, it is more like a best-by date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. Three fingers of thick, fluffy, slightly off-white head dissipated very slowly. The color is a beautiful and hazy gold.
Smell: Heavenly hefeweizen to a tee. Yeast, banana, apple, strawberry, bubblegum, orange, and lemon citrus. It is tinged with enough clove and pepper spice to tickle the nostrils. And, as New Glarus suggests, there is a little bit of cinnamon, too. It has my mouth watering.
Taste: The body is thick, bready, and oh so good. After the yeast, the palette immediately detects the perfect balance between the clove and pepper spiciness and the Bavarian goodness: banana, apple, strawberry, bubblegum, and some citrus.
Drinkability: After the first sip I needed to take a moment, sit back, and marvel at the beautiful things humans can create — all of which were manifested in the pint glass I was holding. Holy cow. I think I will start dancing.
Fun facts about Dancing Man Wheat:
-Style: The beer’s New Glarus webpage says it is a “Bavarian style Hefe-Weizen,” and BA classified it as “Hefeweizen.” Either way, I call it “Liquid Heaven.”
-Price: $8/sixer at the New Glarus Brewing Company. I think every six pack sold in the brewery’s “Beer Depot” is $8.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 7.2 percent ABV, which is pretty high for a hefe.
-Food pairings: Listed on the beer’s webpage are these pairings: “Brats, Fruit Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Lemon Meringue Pie, Salad, Sushi, Chowder, Veal, Pork, Squash, Carrots, Spicy Foods, Sweet Foods.” There is also a short cheese list: “Ader Kase Reserve (Seymour Dairy), Artisan Gruyere.”
-Nerdiness from the webpage:
If you dream of wheat this brew will get your toes tapping. Since 1995 we have brewed Bavarian style wheat beers exclusively for the same great state that grows and malts our own Wisconsin wheat. In a world full of posers this is a true hefe-weizen naturally 100% bottle fermented and hazy.
Expect this beer to cascade effervescent into your glass. The rich spicy clove and cinnamon notes will greet your nose while sweet fruit and wheat kisses your lips.
Lick the foam from your mouth and admit sometimes you just gotta get up and dance.
I think they need to do a better job of teaching punctuation in Wisconsin.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A+. (Yes, that’s right: I have grown big enough balls to award the first A+ in BotW history. Believe me, though: Dancing Man Wheat is very deserving of it.)
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