Beer of the Weekend #598: Stranger Pale Ale

The NFL preseason has begun! The Raiders were beaten by the Vikings tonight, 10–6, but whatever. Nothing unexpected there. It was, I will say, very odd watching the Vikings play outdoors.

On a sad note, though, the dawn of the NFL preseason signals the end of American coverage of the CFL. (Games can be seen online on ESPN3, but it is just not the same.) The CFL really appealed to me for some reason. The bigger field, unfamiliar rules, and fewer commercial breaks. It was different and refreshing. In a way, it reminded me of high school and college football. Needless to say, I was really bummed when I searched through ESPN’s future schedule and did not find another CFL game. Shucks.

Anyway. The Left Hand Brewing Company has returned to Iowa! I did not try many Left Hand brews before they left a couple years ago, so I thought it would be fitting to properly welcome Left Hand back to the Hawkeye State with a BotW tasting.

The beer of the weekend is Stranger Pale Ale, brewed by the Left Hand Brewing Company of Longmont, Colorado.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. The freshness date on this bottle is hella smeared and illegible, but other bottles in the sixer have an October enjoy by date printed on the shoulder.

Appearance: Pours a golden amber color into a pint glass. One finger of eggshell-colored head that leaves an even, frothy, buttery skim and ring around the edge.

Smell: Lots of floral hop action and noticeable rye. It has a sweet, malty edge to it (somewhat reminiscent of wheat malt), and the citrus emerges slowly.

Taste: The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy. The sweet maltiness is most noticeable at first, and the rye spice comes speeding up close behind, leaving a lasting aftertaste. The floral hops also emerge slowly.

Drinkability: Tasty stuff. There is not as much citrus as I would prefer with the style, but it is a very nice brew.

Fun facts about Stranger Pale Ale:

-Style: Pale ale. Enough said.

-Price: $8.99/sixer at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

-IBU: 36. I can never decide whether to use “IBU” or “IBUs.” “IBU” stands for “International Bittering Units” so I think I will stick with “IBU.” Besides, today on On Point I heard someone use “WMD” instead of “WMDs.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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