Beer of the Weekend #366: Old Milwaukee
I am not sure if I will have time this weekend to double-dip and review my leftover lawnmower lager, so I decided to crack open a few cold ones tonight. The beer tonight is Old Milwaukee, brewed by the “Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin” (aka, the Pabst Brewing Company of wherever their headquarters is located in SoCal).

Serving type: 12-ounce can. The freshness date on the bottom of the can is “SEPT 03 12.”
Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is light straw. It is not too light to be suspect but has a decent color for an adjunct lager. About a finger of light, white, fluffy head dissipated to leave a ring around the edge and some streaks of lacing.
Smell: Light grains and sake-like rice adjunct. (It has that recycling-container-full-of-empties smell fresh from the can!) A little bit of lemon sneaks in, as well as some grassy hops.
Taste: Much like the smell, it offers light grains and sake-like rice. It is pretty sweet and has a little lemon touch. There is enough grassy hops to make it taste like a beer.
Drinkability: Though a little sweet for my taste (in regards to adjuncts) it is not bad. I would definitely buy this again for a camping trip.
Fun facts about Old Milwaukee:
-Style: The Old Milwaukee website calls it “American-Style Lager” while BA classifies it as “American Adjunct Lager.”
-Price: $6.99/12-pack at the Hy-Vee Drugstore on First Avenue in Iowa City. I wanted to buy it at John’s but they did not have it. As a matter of fact, John’s does not carry a number of classic lawnmowers lagers.
-Serving temperature: Ice cold. Straight from the cooler (or fridge). Crack it open with no hesitation.
-Alcohol content: 4.6 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends barbecue; Indian, Latin, Thai, and “Pan Asian” cuisine; peppery cheeses; and shellfish.
-Calories: 145 per can.
-Time for some commercials! As mentioned previously, Will Ferrell filmed a couple Old Milwaukee commercials in Davenport. I think they were only shown in Davenport, if at all. (He also filmed others in Terre Haute and Milwaukee.) Here are three for your viewing pleasure.
-I also found this Old Mil commercial (one minute long!) from 1974.
Seriously: how many different brands of beers do you think that place sold? It was 1974 for Christ’s sake! I am willing to bet he couldn’t go wrong with anything he chose. (And why are so many hip, twentysomethings hanging out there?) Also interesting was this line: “It’s the fastest growing major beer in the country.” So go out and drink it because of that! (Everybody’s jumping off bridges these days — and you should, too!)
-Printed in the red strip along the top of the can is “America’s Best Tasting Beer.” Hardly.
The Quiet Man’s grade: C.
Serving type: 12-ounce can. The freshness date on the bottom of the can is “SEPT 03 12.”
Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is light straw. It is not too light to be suspect but has a decent color for an adjunct lager. About a finger of light, white, fluffy head dissipated to leave a ring around the edge and some streaks of lacing.
Smell: Light grains and sake-like rice adjunct. (It has that recycling-container-full-of-empties smell fresh from the can!) A little bit of lemon sneaks in, as well as some grassy hops.
Taste: Much like the smell, it offers light grains and sake-like rice. It is pretty sweet and has a little lemon touch. There is enough grassy hops to make it taste like a beer.
Drinkability: Though a little sweet for my taste (in regards to adjuncts) it is not bad. I would definitely buy this again for a camping trip.
Fun facts about Old Milwaukee:
-Style: The Old Milwaukee website calls it “American-Style Lager” while BA classifies it as “American Adjunct Lager.”
-Price: $6.99/12-pack at the Hy-Vee Drugstore on First Avenue in Iowa City. I wanted to buy it at John’s but they did not have it. As a matter of fact, John’s does not carry a number of classic lawnmowers lagers.
-Serving temperature: Ice cold. Straight from the cooler (or fridge). Crack it open with no hesitation.
-Alcohol content: 4.6 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends barbecue; Indian, Latin, Thai, and “Pan Asian” cuisine; peppery cheeses; and shellfish.
-Calories: 145 per can.
-Time for some commercials! As mentioned previously, Will Ferrell filmed a couple Old Milwaukee commercials in Davenport. I think they were only shown in Davenport, if at all. (He also filmed others in Terre Haute and Milwaukee.) Here are three for your viewing pleasure.
-I also found this Old Mil commercial (one minute long!) from 1974.
Seriously: how many different brands of beers do you think that place sold? It was 1974 for Christ’s sake! I am willing to bet he couldn’t go wrong with anything he chose. (And why are so many hip, twentysomethings hanging out there?) Also interesting was this line: “It’s the fastest growing major beer in the country.” So go out and drink it because of that! (Everybody’s jumping off bridges these days — and you should, too!)
-Printed in the red strip along the top of the can is “America’s Best Tasting Beer.” Hardly.
The Quiet Man’s grade: C.