Beer of the Weekend #328: Luna Coffee Stout
Earlier today, BeerAdvocate crashed — during a very inopportune time, I may add. I was in the middle of uploading a BA tailored review of Blackstone when the site became unresponsive. Though a minor annoyance, it does represent a first for me: it is the first time I have found any use for Twitter. The Alström brothers have been keeping the beer world abreast of the situation via Tweets.
Among the beers I picked up last week at John’s for my LV recommendation was this unexpected first sighting of a Hinterland/Green Bay brew in IC: Luna Coffee Stout, brewed by the Green Bay Brewing Company of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Serving type: 16-ounce bottle. No freshness date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a Guinness imperial pint. The color is an almost opaque black; just a tiny hint of light passed through when I held it to a lamp. Three fingers of thick, milkshake colored head dissipated very slowly and left trails of foam along the glass.
Smell: I caught of whiff of roasted goodness the moment I popped the cap. Espresso, caramel, chocolate, and there are nonroasted version of each keeping it balanced. There is also molasses, toffee, and milk chocolate. It also has oatmeal smoothness as it warms.
Taste: Lots of espresso, though it does not overpower the taste buds. However, it does seem to dominate the other flavors, which it keeps cowering in its shadow. Fleeting hints of caramel, chocolate, molasses, and lactose cross the tongue. The mouthfeel is dry, but also a touch creamy.
Drinkability: It is some pretty sinister stuff, and I would not mind drinking it with that chick from the Aaron Rodgers / Discount Double Check commercials (that is, if she has time away from hanging out at her State Farm office).
Fun facts about LCS:
-Style: Hinterland calls it “Stout.”
-Price: $2.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.
-Serving temperature: My recommendation is 50-55ºF. I think that is a safe range.
-Alcohol content: 5.8 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: Generic pairings for “stout” listed in Mosher’s Tasting Beer (which I really need to sit down and read) include “hearty, rich food; steak, meat pies; classic with oysters; stronger versions with chocolate.”
-Here is some poorly proof nerdiness from the Hinterland/Green Bay website:
-Thank goodness for my Guinness glass: 16 ounces of beast. It has been a while since I used it, so I was eager to fill it up. I should have used it for Sprecher’s Irish Stout, but it slipped my mind.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
Among the beers I picked up last week at John’s for my LV recommendation was this unexpected first sighting of a Hinterland/Green Bay brew in IC: Luna Coffee Stout, brewed by the Green Bay Brewing Company of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Serving type: 16-ounce bottle. No freshness date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a Guinness imperial pint. The color is an almost opaque black; just a tiny hint of light passed through when I held it to a lamp. Three fingers of thick, milkshake colored head dissipated very slowly and left trails of foam along the glass.
Smell: I caught of whiff of roasted goodness the moment I popped the cap. Espresso, caramel, chocolate, and there are nonroasted version of each keeping it balanced. There is also molasses, toffee, and milk chocolate. It also has oatmeal smoothness as it warms.
Taste: Lots of espresso, though it does not overpower the taste buds. However, it does seem to dominate the other flavors, which it keeps cowering in its shadow. Fleeting hints of caramel, chocolate, molasses, and lactose cross the tongue. The mouthfeel is dry, but also a touch creamy.
Drinkability: It is some pretty sinister stuff, and I would not mind drinking it with that chick from the Aaron Rodgers / Discount Double Check commercials (that is, if she has time away from hanging out at her State Farm office).
Fun facts about LCS:
-Style: Hinterland calls it “Stout.”
-Price: $2.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.
-Serving temperature: My recommendation is 50-55ºF. I think that is a safe range.
-Alcohol content: 5.8 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: Generic pairings for “stout” listed in Mosher’s Tasting Beer (which I really need to sit down and read) include “hearty, rich food; steak, meat pies; classic with oysters; stronger versions with chocolate.”
-Here is some poorly proof nerdiness from the Hinterland/Green Bay website:
Luna Coffee Stout pours pitch black with hues deep mahogany. The two finger, fluffy, tan head recedes slowly leaving a nice, full lace for a very impressive look. With a solid, yet not overpowering aroma of coffee, you can still smell a hint of chocolate. The bold, rich taste of creamy coffee doesn't overwhelm the rest of the flavors leaving a hint of chocolate to finish. On a cold winter night, you couldn't ask for a better cold beer to warm you up.
-Thank goodness for my Guinness glass: 16 ounces of beast. It has been a while since I used it, so I was eager to fill it up. I should have used it for Sprecher’s Irish Stout, but it slipped my mind.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
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