Beer of the Weekend #327: Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale
Earlier tonight, Bobblehead and I conducted townie bar research. I will post the results sometime over the weekend.
In the meantime, the beer of the weekend is another Hotek suggestion for my March LV recommendation: Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale, brewed by the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company of Chico, California.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.
Appearance: Poured into a snifter. The color is clean, clear amber/burgundy. Three fingers of thick, buttery, lightly tanned head dissipated slowly, leaving trails of foam along the sides.
Smell: The smell is dominated by citrus hops and pine. None stand out above the others; they create a nice blend. And it is not overpowering; it allows for scents of caramel, toffee, maple syrup, and cocoa (a touch) to emerge. There is a tiny bit of booziness, but it comes into play after the beer has warmed enough.
Taste: It has a nice, textured bitterness as it rolls across the tongue, and the hops gradually present themselves. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth, and each sip is tinged with booze at the end. Again, the citrus from the hops dominate, but they create an undistinguishable blend of orange, lemon, and grapefruit. The malts and maple syrup are in the background (way in the background).
Drinkability: I am unsure if Bigfoot would approve, but I do. Why go hunting in the woods at night when you can enjoy Bigfoot (®) at home?
Fun facts about Bigfoot:
-Style: BA classifies it as “American Barleywine.”
-Price: $13.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City. Frankly, that is really expensive.
-Serving temperature: 50-55ºF.
-Alcohol content: 9.6 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends sharp cheeses (Blue, Cheddar), pungent cheeses (Gorgonzola, Limburger), “General (Dessert, Digestive).”
-Apparently, Sierra Nevada has patented the name “Bigfoot.” On the website, the beer is referred to as “Bigfoot®.” How dickish.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.
In the meantime, the beer of the weekend is another Hotek suggestion for my March LV recommendation: Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale, brewed by the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company of Chico, California.
Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.
Appearance: Poured into a snifter. The color is clean, clear amber/burgundy. Three fingers of thick, buttery, lightly tanned head dissipated slowly, leaving trails of foam along the sides.
Smell: The smell is dominated by citrus hops and pine. None stand out above the others; they create a nice blend. And it is not overpowering; it allows for scents of caramel, toffee, maple syrup, and cocoa (a touch) to emerge. There is a tiny bit of booziness, but it comes into play after the beer has warmed enough.
Taste: It has a nice, textured bitterness as it rolls across the tongue, and the hops gradually present themselves. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth, and each sip is tinged with booze at the end. Again, the citrus from the hops dominate, but they create an undistinguishable blend of orange, lemon, and grapefruit. The malts and maple syrup are in the background (way in the background).
Drinkability: I am unsure if Bigfoot would approve, but I do. Why go hunting in the woods at night when you can enjoy Bigfoot (®) at home?
Fun facts about Bigfoot:
-Style: BA classifies it as “American Barleywine.”
-Price: $13.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City. Frankly, that is really expensive.
-Serving temperature: 50-55ºF.
-Alcohol content: 9.6 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends sharp cheeses (Blue, Cheddar), pungent cheeses (Gorgonzola, Limburger), “General (Dessert, Digestive).”
-Apparently, Sierra Nevada has patented the name “Bigfoot.” On the website, the beer is referred to as “Bigfoot®.” How dickish.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.
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