Hot off the Press: Out with the old edition

I have bookmarked The Guardian since The Times requires an online subscription and the BBC can sometimes be a bore. (I will have to get Bobblehead's opinion of this, but I assume he will say it was inevitable.) Interestingly, here is a column espousing a common criticism he has about conservatives and mainstream red Republicrats:
The Premier League is pricing out its fans:
After having an original take over bid rejected by board of directors, SABMiller is going directly to Foster's shareholders to gain control:
Stephen Colbert talks shit about Des Moines' WOI after the station pulled one of his Super PAC ads: Hilarious.
"The blazing infernos which took hold in the UK's biggest cities have shocked British society. It wasn't a desire to protest that drove the brutal looters onto the streets, but pure consumer greed. Bankers, politicians and media moguls have made this greed socially acceptable":,1518,780537,00.html.
The legislature in Utah has banned mini-kegs:
A recent rash of luxury car burnings in Berlin has police scratching their heads: is it left-wing political protest or just copycat arsonists?:,1518,780965,00.html.
Remember last week when I posted a link to the article announcing the purchase of a 5 percent stake in John Deere by an investment fund owned by Bill Gates? I threw out some imagined conspiracy theory about automated farms and riderless tractors and combines. Well, this DMR article asks, "Are drone tractors the future?": Imagine it: a veritable robotic assembly line on farmland.
A breakdown of why 46 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax:
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