Beer of the Weekend #1,072: Thumbwise

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday, the beer this weekend is an Irish stout: Thumbwise, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa.


Serving type: 16-ounce can. “CANNED ON FEB/23/24” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into my Guinness imperial pint glass. (I think it has been a while since any Guinness was in it.) The color is mostly opaque black. A finger of tan head fizzles away pretty quickly, leaving a fizzy skim and shiny collar that reminds me of the head of a Coke or Pepsi.

Smell: Dark but muted. Roasted malt is most prominent and it is not similar to coffee. There is not much other than that, unfortunately.

Taste: It is dark but very muted and tame, much like the aroma. Roasted malt is most prominent and dark chocolate is noticeable as well. But the flavor does not have much oomph. It smells and tastes like diluted stout, which is disappointing.

Fun facts about Thumbwise:

• Style: Irish stout.

• Price: $10.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans.

• Alcohol content: 3.9 percent ABV.

• Here is the story behind the name via the can’s description:

Finn MacCool (Fionn Mac Cumhail) was a legendary Irish warrior, hunter, and the prime protagonist of a great many folktales. One particular legend tells the origin story of his great wisdom: while Finn was studying under the tutelage of the great druid, Fineagas, the two attempted to catch a fabled salmon said to grant the gift of seeing into the future and the past to the first to taste it. After an epic battle, the exhausted Fineagas was able to land the salmon, but asked Finn to cook it for him. While preparing the fish, Finn was splashed by a bit of hot oil on his thumb, and—without thinking—he stuck it into his mouth to stop the burning. That tiny taste was enough to imbue Finn with the gift of the salmon, making him the wisest man in Ireland.

Maybe my eighth-grade humor getting the best of me, but Cumhail is quite the name. Just saying.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C-.


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