Beer of the Weekend #741: Free State Oatmeal Stout

The beer tonight is Oatmeal Stout, brewed by the Free State Brewing Company of Lawrence, Kansas.

The beer pours a non-opaque black into a pint glass. A finger or so of dense, bubble-spotted, buttery, tan head dissipates evenly, leaving a skim, clusters of bubbles, a ring around the edge, and a short trail of lacing along the glass. Toasted malt and caramel are prominent in the first couple whiffs. Roasted malt creeps in along with milk chocolate and perhaps dark fruit. It features that oatmeal stout humility; it does not overpower but teases the nostrils and entices the taste buds with its promise of velvety smooth flavor. The mouthfeel is smooth thanks to the oats, and roasted malt is much more noticeable in the flavor. The roast is not over the top espresso, but much more subdued and just as pleasing. There are hints of caramel. Chocolate and dark fruit also cross the palate. It may not be as bold and creamy as some oatmeal stouts, but it is still a very good and drinkable brew.

Fun facts about Free State’s Oatmeal Stout:

• Style: Oatmeal stout.

• Price: $1.79 per 12-ounce bottle at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: I cannot find the ABV on the bottle or the beer’s webpage, but BA pegs the ABV at 6.1 percent.

• IBU: 42.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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