Beer of the Weekend #728: Gandy Dancer Porter

The beer tonight is Gandy Dancer Porter, brewed by the Potosi Brewing Company of Potosi, Wisconsin.

Gandy Dance Porter pours a very deep brown into a pint glass. It looks black but I don’t think it is. It is, at least, not opaque; a lot of light passes through when held to a lamp. A finger of light tan head leaves a lacing and ring around the edge. It smells creamy and dark, reminding me of an oatmeal or milk stout. There are scents of roasted malt (which imparts a coffee character), milk chocolate, dark fruit (mostly cherry), and black licorice. The flavor is roasty but somewhat muted; it is not IN-YOUR-FACE espresso. The other elements from the aroma fall in line but are not as prominent. Chocolate, dark fruit, and black licorice are noticeable. There is a moment when something reminiscent of Coca-Cola crosses the palate; I’m not sure what it is, though, but it reminds me of Coke. A roasty bitteness coats the taste buds and works them along after each sip.

Fun facts about Gandy Dancer Porter:

• Style: The brewery calls it American porter.

• Price: $1.59 per 12-ounce bottle at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

• Potosi is the home of the National Brewery Museum. I may need to take a daytrip…

• “Gandy dancer” was the nickname for railroad workers who laid and maintained tracks. The Wikipedia page about them is pretty extensive — no doubt a testament to the thoroughness of railfans. (I’m not necessarily a railfan, but I do dig transportation systems. Thank you,

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+/B-.

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