Beer of the Weekend #607: Wooden Nickel

All right. I have been a busy man this week and it appears the weekend will be busy as well. An LV deadline is looming and a couple other assignments are gnawing at my conscience and sanity. (‘Tis the season for beer news and festivals, apparently.) Plus, I have a couple personal posts that I want to write. We will see how much I can get done.

Anyway, instead of heading downtown to grab more beer, I decided to save time and review the last of my “Backpocket Three” today. Since I have a 30-pack of PBR, a couple cans of Zombie Monkie, and a bottle of Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen chilling in my fridge, I’m set for the weekend. (No, I did not drink an entire 30-pack over a weekend. It usually lasts J-Rod and I a couple weeks.)

The beer of the weekend is Wooden Nickel, brewed by the Backpocket Brewery of Coralville, Iowa.

I keep writing “Back Pocket” for some reason. I can never remember if the name is one word or two but always seem to first use two.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.

Appearance: Pours a light hazel color into a pint glass. Two fingers of light tan, buttery head dissipates quickly, leaving a thin lacing, a few bubbles, and a ring around the edge.

Smell: Ooo! The aroma is an enticing and balanced blend of smoked malts, chocolate, caramel, toffee, brown sugar, some dark fruit, and a little peat.

Taste: A tasty blend that mostly mirrors the aroma. The peat and smoked malts are most prominent, though the smoke is light compared to a rauchbier. Chocolate, caramel, toffee, brown sugar, and hints of dark fruit are also present. The mouthfeel is smooth and full, but it is not creamy or thick. The finish is on the dry side.

Drinkability: This is very tasty stuff that provides an excellent balance of smoked malts and peat without overpowering the other flavors.

Fun facts about Wooden Nickel:

-Style: Though the label claims it is “Scottish-style lager,” BA classifies the beer as “Scottish Ale,” which is the lightest of the beers on the Scotch ale spectrum.

-Price: $1.79/bottle John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5.7 percent.

-IBU: 25.

-Color: Backpocket pegs the color at 25. I assume that is SRM.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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