Beer of the Weekend #550: Full Moon Pale Rye Ale
The beer tonight is Full Moon Pale Rye Ale, brewed by the Real Ale Brewing Company of Blanco, Texas.
Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. “03.04.14” is the “BEST IF CONSUMED BY THIS DATE” printed on the back label.
Appearance: Served in a pint glass. The color is a hazy, golden amber. A finger of beige head leaves a skim, a few bubbles, a ring around the edge, and a little lacing.
Smell: Pale and toasted malts and a nice dose of rye spice. Light caramel, a little maple syrup, lemon, orange, and a touch of grapefruit.
Taste: Though malty, it has a significant spiciness and bite courtesy of the rye. Pale and toasted malts, caramel, and the promised rye. The mouthfeel is thick and creamy. There are also floral hops, lemon, and orange zest.
Drinkability: I love the rye! It offers a pleasant spice and bitterness without being bombastic. This is a tasty brew.
Fun facts about FMPRA:
-Style: I assume it is an American pale ale.
-Price: Moving furniture for my cousin.
-Alcohol content: 5.7 percent ABV.
-IBU: 42.
-Flanking the freshness date on the back label are “KEEP COLD” and “DRINK SOON.”
-As I mentioned previously, Real Ale was listed on my bottle of Alamo Golden Ale so it must be contract brewing stuff for Alamo. (According to its website, Alamo began construction of “San Antonio’s largest craft brewery” last month so it probably will not be contracting out much longer.)
-Real Ale’s website and my bottle of Alamo Golden Ale feature “GO TEXAN” branding. It is, I think, a pretty snazzy logo that befits the state’s cattle and ranching history.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. “03.04.14” is the “BEST IF CONSUMED BY THIS DATE” printed on the back label.
Appearance: Served in a pint glass. The color is a hazy, golden amber. A finger of beige head leaves a skim, a few bubbles, a ring around the edge, and a little lacing.
Smell: Pale and toasted malts and a nice dose of rye spice. Light caramel, a little maple syrup, lemon, orange, and a touch of grapefruit.
Taste: Though malty, it has a significant spiciness and bite courtesy of the rye. Pale and toasted malts, caramel, and the promised rye. The mouthfeel is thick and creamy. There are also floral hops, lemon, and orange zest.
Drinkability: I love the rye! It offers a pleasant spice and bitterness without being bombastic. This is a tasty brew.
Fun facts about FMPRA:
-Style: I assume it is an American pale ale.
-Price: Moving furniture for my cousin.
-Alcohol content: 5.7 percent ABV.
-IBU: 42.
-Flanking the freshness date on the back label are “KEEP COLD” and “DRINK SOON.”
-As I mentioned previously, Real Ale was listed on my bottle of Alamo Golden Ale so it must be contract brewing stuff for Alamo. (According to its website, Alamo began construction of “San Antonio’s largest craft brewery” last month so it probably will not be contracting out much longer.)
-Real Ale’s website and my bottle of Alamo Golden Ale feature “GO TEXAN” branding. It is, I think, a pretty snazzy logo that befits the state’s cattle and ranching history.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.