Beer of the Weekend #543: Double Whammy

The beer of the weekend is Double Whammy, brewed by the Kalona Brewing Company of Kalona, Iowa.

No whammies, no whammies, no whammies, no whammies…

Serving type: One quart (32-ounce) bottle. There is no freshness date but there is a sticker with “1899” on the cap. I assume that is a batch code.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is almost-opaque black; a little light passes through when held to a lamp. Not much head develops, but I managed to create a finger-width of foam that stuck around for about a minute before leaving a ring of foam and a bubbly skim.

Smell: It has that fresh-from-the-tap aroma; very clean and crisp. Dark chocolate and roasted malts dominate, though the roasted aroma does not overpower. There are fleeting hints of espresso but the aroma is very balanced. Though it is mostly malty, there is also dark fruit, a little hop action, and light touches of citrus.

Taste: The mouthfeel and flavor are decent but lack a little something. The beer is a little reminiscent of cough syrup (without the medicinal nastiness) or liqueur. Flavors of roasted malts, dark fruit, chocolate, molasses, brown sugar, and licorice are present. The alcohol is noticeable but not dominant.

Drinkability: This is good stuff. It is missing a little something but is still a tasty and worthwhile experience, especially since it is a local brewery. I will definitely need to check out the rest of their stuff.

Fun facts about Double Whammy:

-Style: Kalona calls it imperial porter.

-Price: $11.99/bottle at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 9.2 percent ABV.

-Much like the quarts from Confluence, the cap on my quart of Double Whammy was wrapped in plastic to create a tight seal. The bottle, though, was not filled too the brim; there was a little space left at the top (which made it much easier to pour the first pint).

-Having visited quite a few brewery websites in my time, I have to say that the Kalona Brewing Company website is pretty snazzy. Ironically, Double Whammy is not listed on the “BEERS” page.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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