Beer of the Weekend #530: Snowstorm 2013

The beer tonight (and the last of the day) is Snowstorm 2013, brewed by August Schell Brewing Company of New Ulm, Minnesota.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. Printed on the neck is what I believe to be the best by date: “031614.”

Appearance: Poured into a snifter. The color is clear gold that had a light chill haze. Two fingers of dense, fluffy white head leaves lacing along the glass as it settles slowly and evenly.

Smell: Spicy with lots of clove and a good dash of pepper. Slowly, the fruits begin to emerge: a hint or two of teasing apple, then banana becomes noticeable. There is a little strawberry in the background and a scent of bubblegum becomes prominent. It reminds me a lot of hefeweizen. By the looks of it, it could be a kristallweizen — albeit a very spicy one.

Taste: It just about mirrors the smell. Clove and pepper spice upfront. Coy apple is followed by banana and bubblegum. The fruits really shine in the aftertaste, which is interesting. The spice keeps chugging along, though, and is prominent throughout each sip. It is far from overpowering; it hangs around in the flavor and does not let one forget about it. Many other reviewers have been able to pick up the herbal doses of coriander and chamomile, but I am not very familiar with either and could not pick them out. Overall, though, I will say the overall effect is very smooth and soothing. The alcohol is completely masked.

Drinkability: Good stuff. Though not grandiose, it is very tasty and soothing at the same time.

Fun facts about Snowstorm 2013:

-Style: This year’s Snowstorm is a “Belgian Style Golden Ale.”

-Price: $1.59/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 7 percent ABV.

-I think we have a winner!

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.

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