Beer of the Weekend #524: Busch Light

This is an unprecedented opportunity that I need to take advantage of.

Last weekend, J-Rod hosted a couple college buddies and they left cans of Busch Light in our fridge. I have been meaning to try Busch and Busch Light for the Great Adjunct Adventure but did not want to buy anything more than a forty or tall boy. Needless to say, I will gladly take a leftover.

The beer tonight is Busch Light, brewed by Anheuser-Busch, Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri, a subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev N.V. of Leuven, Belgium.

Serving type: 12-ounce can. The “BORN ON DATE” printed on the bottom of the can is “09SEP13.”

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is very pale straw. Two fingers of dense, white head dissipated quickly to leave a skim and very thin ring around the edge.

Smell: Musty adjunct grains (I assume it is a mix of rice and corn) and a little grassiness. It reminds me of college house parties.

Taste: Light and faint, yet crisp. It is grassy and very reminiscent of a helles. There is also a splash of zest. It is obviously very watered down, and the adjuncts emerge after the beer has warmed for a couple minutes.

Drinkability: Smooth and easy drinking, but very light on flavor. No surprise there.

Fun facts about Busch Light:

-Style: Light Lager.

-Price: I didn’t pay for it, but Busch Light is pretty damn cheap.

-Alcohol content: 4.1 percent ABV.

-Calories: 95.

-Text from the beer’s webpage:

It’s made from the same blend of premium hops, malt and select grains as the original. But what sets Busch Light apart is the brewing process. It’s brewed longer to create a lighter body and fewer calories, while always delivering that classic taste.

“That classic taste”…of keggers.

-Busch Light was introduced in 1989.

The Quiet Man’s grade: D+/C-.

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