Hot off the Press: Cats and Christmas trees edition

This may be a "duh!" moment. TV news experts who review products are often corporate shills whose advice is just a thinly veiled sales pitch — which is illegal under federal law:
I do not know how to describe this column:
Overlooked in the discussion about building a new jail in Johnson County are the modernization needs of the 110-year-old courthouse:
"Looking at all the evidence, it's clear that around 40% of all cancers are caused by things we mostly have the power to change":
A photographer captured an image of polar bear cannibalism in the Arctic, which she attributes to the bears being "trapped ashore, completely food-deprived for extended periods of time due to the loss of sea ice as a result of climate change": Yes, there may be less and less ice, which is their natural habitat, but I wonder if there are now fewer seals, too.
The world's oldest living dog died last week at the age of 26: I find this graph a little confusing:
Last December, Pusuke made it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest living dog, breaking the previous record of 21 years and 3 months, according to the Daily Yomiuri newspaper.
So he did not break the record of 21 years and 3 months until he was 25? I assume this means his record was not recognized until then.
The $50 Canadian bill is getting a makeover, and many are not pleased that an Arctic research vessel is replacing the "Famous Five" women who championed women's rights in the Great White North:
Under pressure from an evangelical Christian group, Lowe's has pulled advertisements aired during TLC's "All-American Muslim":,0,5764837.story.
"A rash of tuba thefts at Southland high schools":,0,5110587.story.
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