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Beer of the Weekend #1,102: CTRL ALT bier

I love hot keys. I’ve been a hot keys fan and user for forever, since my typing teachers taught us the “open apple” keyboard shortcuts back in elementary school. The beer of the weekend pays homage to one of the most famous hot keys of all time (albeit for Windows-based computers): CTRL ALT bier, brewed by the SingleSpeed Brewing Company of Waterloo, Iowa. Serving type: 12-ounce can. There is no freshness date. Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is a beautiful amber with notes of red, gold, and bronze. A finger of light tan, buttery, dense head leaves a skim and a thick collar. Smell: Toasted malt, caramel, hay, cherry licorice, and a touch of cocoa. Taste: It is nutty with a massive dose of toasted malts. A nice earthy bitterness emerges and lingers on the taste buds long after each sip. (The tasting notes on the brewery website say it has “[f]loral and spicy hop notes,” so I need to work on my earthy/floral identification.) There are also flavors of grass, toast, ...

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