Beer of the Weekend #1,031: Up North Wisconsin Lager

On a dark and stormy night, sheltering in our messy basement and watching storm coverage, I am dipping into my haul from our recent vacation in Wisconsin, drinking Up North Wisconsin Lager, brewed by the One Barrel Brewing Company of Madison, Wisconsin.

Up North Wisconsin Lager

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “07/10/23,” which I assume is the canning date, is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is clear light gold with a slight chill haze. A finger of off-white, bubbly, buttery head leaves a thick collar and trails of foam.

Smell: Light and malty with a hint of lemon. There is a light but nice dose of earthy hops.

Taste: Much like the aroma, it is light and malty with a hint of lemon and a touch of hop spice. It tastes like white bread with a little rye spice. A pleasing bitterness lingers on the taste buds. It has a nice corn creaminess, too.

Fun facts about UNWL:

• Style: BA classifies the beer as American adjunct.

• Price: $10.49 for a sixer at Hansen’s IGA in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.

• Alcohol content: 5% ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery website:

What could be better than sipping a classic refreshing lager while relaxing in Wisconsin’s beautiful and serene northern areas? We don’t know, and we don’t want to know. Crisp, light, and easy drinking, our Up North Wisconsin Lager is now available year round on draft or in 12oz cans. So whether you’re in your favorite tavern or your favorite camping chair, this brew is here to help you enjoy a scenic Wisconsin sunrise or sunset.

Even though I bought this sixer on the last whole day of our vacation and drank one can while there, I feel like that is a fitting description.

• I like Wisconsin. I always have. (Perhaps I’ve mentioned this before.) It is the land of my paternal forefathers, so it may have a magnetic pull on my DNA.

• Wisconsin has apparently gone all-in with roundabouts, which I think is a good thing. We encountered a lot of them getting on and off freeways.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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