Beer of the Weekend #1,030: People Pleaser

While passing through Decorah earlier this week, The Grip stopped at the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company and grabbed some brew. He kindly gave me a can of People Pleaser.

People Pleaser

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is lightly hazy medium gold. A finger of fluffy, off-white, bubbly head dissipates slowly and evenly, leaving trails of foam along the glass.

Smell: Zesty and malty. Light and crisp. It tickles the nostrils. It has a hint of grapefruit and melon.

Taste: It has a really interesting flavor. It is not super hoppy or citrusy, nor is it light like a pilsner. It is in between the two. It is very creamy, and that stands out more than any of the flavors. Citrus and melon are present but subtle. It has a light malt element. A pleasing bitterness lingers on the taste buds after each sip.

Fun facts about People Pleaser:

• Style: West Coast Pilsner.

• Price: Helping paint my mother-in-law’s garage.

• Alcohol content: 4.5 percent ABV.

• I really dig the artwork. In a way, it reminds me of the cover of Joy Division’s
Unknown Pleasures.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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