Beer of the Weekend #1,011: Horse Power

It is not hefeweizen season (for me, at least), so I was surprised to see Horse Power, brewed by the Kalona Brewing Company of Kalona, Iowa, included in my winter season 12-pack.

Horse Power

I think a dunkelweizen would have been a better inclusion, but I doubt anyone in Iowa is brewing dunkelweizen. Anyway, as long as it is not too old, I’m OK with a hefeweizen’s inclusion.

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “01/17/23” is written on the side, so I assume that is the canning date.

Appearance: Poured into a weizen glass. The color is lightly hazy gold. A half finger of buttery, off-white head leaves a skim and thick collar.

Smell: Like a hefe! It smells Bavarian and authentic. There are scents of banana, clove, apple, and bubblegum. It smells like summer.

Taste: Much more bitter and less like a true hefe, though there are hefe flavors of banana, apple, clove, strawberry, bubblegum, and lemon.

Fun facts about Horse Power:

• Style: Hefeweizen.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 5.1 percent.

• The beer’s description on Untappd is, “A sessionable American-style hefe brewed with Tettnanger hops for a floral aroma and balanced, smooth flavor, with breadiness from Munich malt and white wheat, and subtle tasting notes of clove and banana.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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