Beer of the Weekend #1,009: Vanilla Porter

The next beer in my seasonal 12-pack is from an Iowa brewery I have not sampled much from: Vanilla Porter, brewed by the Front Street Brewery of Davenport, Iowa.

Vanilla Porter

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “2702 06:4” is printed on the bottom—whatever that means.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The appearance is black. A half-finger of fizzy, tan, bubble-spotted, buttery head dissipates quickly and leaves an even skim.

Smell: Lots of chocolate and roasted malt. It makes me think of Christmas because it reminds me of an aged Anchor Christmas Ale, minus the spice. There are scents of caramel and light coffee. I do not get vanilla, though.

Taste: Smooth and dark, though not bitter or aggressive. It is actually quite muted and watered down—or old, which may be why it reminds me of a beer that sat in my fridge for years. It mostly mirrors the smell, though I do get a hint of vanilla.

Fun facts about Vanilla Porter:

• Style: Front Street calls it American porter.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 6.4 percent ABV.

• According to the brewery website, “Front Street Brewery is the oldest brew pub and second oldest brewery, in the state of Iowa. It was the 300th craft brewery to be established in the United States.” Sadly, I have been there only once.

• Printed on the can is “Packaged and Brewed for Front Street Brewery by Potosi Brewing Company, Potosi, WI.”

• What’s the story about the plane and pilot on the can? I don’t know. I cannot find any information about them on the brewery website.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C-.


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