Beer of the Weekend #1,007: Mrs. Peacock’s Blueberry Lemonade

The second beer I drank from my seasonal 12-pack this week was Mrs. Peacock’s Blueberry Lemonade, brewed by Lake Time Brewery of Clear Lake, Iowa.

Mrs. Peacock's Blueberry Lemonade

Serving type: 12-ounce can. There is no freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is beautiful, hazy amber. An off-white head dissipates almost immediately, leaving a thin collar and spots of skim.

Smell: It makes me think of a blueberry muffin with lemon glaze sprinkled with granulated sugar (which would be amazing to eat). It portends tartness. The Foxy Lake says it reminds her of fruit punch or a popsicle.

Taste: More fruit punch than blueberry muffin. It smells like blueberry-flavored Hawaiian Punch, though blueberry is muted at first. It also has an off-putting medicinal flavor akin to rubbing alcohol or rubber. I have no clue how old this can is, but that could mean it is past its prime. Blueberry slowly becomes more prominent as the beer warms.

Fun facts about Mrs. Peacock’s:

• Style: Lake Time calls it fruited sour.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 4.7 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via Lake Time’s website:

Just like the well-connected socialite Mrs. Peacock, the pleasant sweet aroma & clean agreeable notes of this Kettle Sour will lure you in before revealing its sour secrets. It’s no mystery that lemon & blueberry puree were invited to the party, but the bittering Galena hops may have you wondering who really is the one to blame.

• Who is Mrs. Peacock? Much like Exile’s Ruthie pays homage to a famous bartender, I assumed Mrs. Peacock is a reference to was a real person from Clear Lake’s past, a famous resident who owned a restaurant renowned for its blueberry lemonade. But, as best as I can tell, Mrs. Peacock is a reference to the character in Clue. Note the use of secrets, mystery, invited, and blame in the description.

The Quiet Man’s grade: D+.


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