Beer of the Weekend #1,005: Viking Fuel

The beer of the weekend may be the oldest in my seasonal 12-pack: Viking Fuel, brewed by the Lake Time Brewery of Clear Lake, Iowa.

Viking Fuel

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “CANNED ON 10/27…” is printed on the bottom, but the year is smudged. I assume (and hope) it was 2022.

Appearance: Poured into a nonick pint glass. The color is hazy golden amber. A finger of off-white, buttery, bubble-spotted head dissipates evenly and leaves a trail of foam. There are a lot of tiny floaters. The Foxy Lady says it looks like orange Fanta. I think it looks like poorly mixed Tang, though with a darker color.

Smell: The aroma is light but there are hints of caramel and earthy hops. There is not much to it, which is likely because of the age of the can. However, citrus emerges slowly with orange and mango as the beer warms and it starts to smell like something.

Taste: There is not much there at first, much like the aroma. There may even be less flavor than aroma. Caramel is present, though. It has a nice earthy bitterness that lingers on the taste buds. Mirroring the aroma, orange and mango emerge slowly as the beer warms. There is also pineapple, which is a nice surprise.

Fun facts about Viking Fuel:

• Style: Double IPA.

• Price: No clue.

• Alcohol content: 7.8 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery’s website:

Although bold & brave, like the Vikings who felt the lure of adventure in foreign lands, this Double Dry-Hopped Double IPA is extremely approachable & worth exploring. We tactically paired flavors of orange & mango with the right amount of pineapple to raid your tastebuds, leaving you defenseless & fueling your thirst for more.

• Lake Time is a nice little place. The Foxy Lady and I stopped there on our way to the Okoboji area. Based on our experience in Okoboji, we should have stayed in Clear Lake.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-


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