Beer of the Weekend #1,004: Homegrown Honey Kolsch

The next beer in my seasonal 12-pack (not that there is an order or anything) is Homegrown Honey Kolsch, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa.

Homegrown Honey Kolsch

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “CANNED ON 12/07/22” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into a stange. The color is gold that leans light. A finger of white, fluffy, bubbly head dissipates slowly, leaving trails of foam stuck to the glass.

Smell: Malty and slightly sweet. Cereal-like malt, a burst of citrus and melon, sticky sweetness that is reminiscent of spilled apple juice, and light grass.

Taste: Crisp, malty, sweet, and bitter. Cheerios and melon make way for a grassy bite. Though I get a light taste of honey (boogie oogie oogie), honey sweetness is ever present.

Fun facts about Homegrown Honey Kolsch:

• Style: Kolsch.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 6.1 percent ABV.

• Here are the beer’s deets via the brewery website and can:

Ever since we first fired up the boil kettle we’ve been dreaming of producing a beer that was 100% Iowan. But it wasn’t until our new friends at Black Gold Malt Farm near Cascade malted their first batch of barley grown in our native soil that our dream could become a reality. That barley forms the backbone for a crisp, clean, and brilliant kolsch style beer, enhanced by Sweet Success honey harvested outside of Winterset. Triple Pearl hops grown by Bobst Hop Farms near Runnells add a gentle aroma of melon and clementines and a touch of balancing bitterness. A collaborative effort of four native businesses and many local workers, this beer is made by Iowans, for Iowans, and that makes us as happy as a pig in… well… Iowa. So join us in raising a pint to all the good things that come from the Hawkeye State!

• Kolsch seems more like a summer beer to me, so I think it is weird that HHK was released in December.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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