Beer of the Weekend #540: From To Via

Today was treacherous — at least on the sidewalks. Coated in ice, they were impassible compared to the streets. But I survived a trek to the Co-op to buy the beer of the weekend: From To Via, brewed by Mikkeller of Copenhagen, Denmark, though the label says it is brewed and bottled at De Proef Brouwerij, Lochristi-Hijfte, Belgium.

Before searching for information online, I assumed the beer was simply referred to as Holiday Ale. Nope. The From To Via label (or Via To From as it appears on the English label; the Danish version is “Fra Til Via”) doubles as the name and a convenient gift tag. Clever. (Frankly, I think the English version should be To From Via.)

Serving type: 750 ml bottle. No freshness date, though the “2013” on the label serves as a reference when aging.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. A straight pour produces a massive, three-finger thick head of dense, brown foam that settles very reluctantly and leaves a lot of lacing stuck to the glass. The color is opaque black; no light passes through when I hold it to a lamp. It looks delicious.

Smell: The aroma is delicate and dominated by roasted malts, dark chocolate, and noticeable alcohol. There is also a Belgian yeast influence, mostly reminiscent of saison funk and spice, and it grains prominence as the beer continues to warm. Other aromas include caramel, molasses, hints of espresso courtesy of the roasted malts, and black licorice.

Taste: Whoa! Much like the aroma, the flavor is unassuming but very well-crafted. Roasted malts, chocolate, a little espresso, black licorice, molasses, and dark fruit. The yeast funk and spice peeks out every once in a while, but after the beer warms it becomes prominent in each sip. The booze is mostly masked, though hints of it emerge.

Drinkability: This is a velvety piece of heaven, despite the fact the “spices” mentioned on the label are non-existent. (I was expecting festive holiday spices.)

Fun facts about From To:

-Style: It is classified on BA as “Baltic Porter.”

-Price: $12.99/bottle at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 8 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.

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