Hot off the Press: Wearying edition

Well, I have been a bad boy in regards to staying current for at least the past month. I have just not felt it recently, especially since most of the news seems like a rehash, though slightly different, than what has been going on all year. Republicrat pettiness, turmoil and frustration in the Middle East, and empty campaigning. It is wearying. But I have been trying — not very hard, though. Here are the few links I have from the last few weeks.
The United States is thinking about erecting an anti-terrorist fence along the Canadian border: This border security stuff is getting eerie.
"Germans drink less beer every year, so breweries founded in the 14th century are searching for ways to compete in the 21st. The answer, increasingly, is to look to an uncomfortable place for German brewers who pride themselves as being the best in the world: America, which in Germany has a reputation for making beers that taste like water": I'm sorry, but the United States is brewing the best beer in the world right now. No where else is there more variety and experimentation. I love German beer, but the snotty brewers need to sample some better brews when they cross the pond.
"Steve Jobs drove a Mercedes without license plates":
Cricket in da hood: Bobblehead forwarded me a link to something similar a while back, but I do not remember where it was from. Interestingly, The Guardian is covering the MLB playoffs live. Very weird.
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