Beer of the Weekend #272: Oktoberfest

Mad props to Bobblehead’s mom for the bread making lesson today. Now that I know how to make bread in its solid state, I need to move on to making it in its liquid form.

I returned to IC late last night. Before leaving the Chicagoland ‘burbs, I stopped at the Binny’s Beverage Depot on Kingery Highway in what I think is Willowbrook. The beer selection at that Binny’s location is decent, but not as jaw dropping as the one I visited with Bobblehead in Skokie. There was an extensive selection of German beers, which I will be sampling from later, and the domestic aisles were packed with familiar sights from the BevMo! on Beach. But I did not find any Half Acre beers, which really disappointed me. I should have stopped at the Whole Foods near my cousin’s place before stopping at Binny’s. Grrr. Regardless, I picked up a couple märzen’s, so I will be sampling those throughout October, though the ideal time may have passed.

The beer of the weekend is Oktoberfest, brewed by the Capital Brewery of Middleton, Wisconsin.

Maybe the folks up in the Badger State brew good märzen. Frankly, their neighbors must be too busy frolicking in their 10,000 lakes to do it.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles. A batch code is printed on the neck, but no freshness date.

Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is medium copper with amber tones. Two fingers of eggshell-colored head dissipated to leave a thin lacing and ring around the edge.

Smell: Very faint, but I could detect slightly toasted sweet caramel and toffee. Grassy hops emerge, and there is a little lemon zest.

Taste: Lots of malts and sweetness, and there is a nice zesty bite. Caramel, toffee, and grassy hops. The lemon from the smell gives it a counterbalancing bitterness.

Drinkability: It is nothing spectacular, but I suppose I would guzzle it if the polka was loud enough.

Fun facts about Oktoberfest:

-Style: Märzen.

-Price: $9.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.

-Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Oktoberfest stuff. Look it up yourself because I am feeling really lazy tonight.

-Nerdiness from the beer’s webpage:

This traditional marzen beer shows off a gorgeous, fiery amber color. The flavor emphasizes a rich, almost "toasted" flavor from the malt. A classic style beer.

-On a side note, while waiting for my bread to bake tonight, I drank a Smithwick’s and a Samuel Adams Bonfire Rauchbier. It may have been a month past its prime, but it was good. It was no Schlenkerla, but decent.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.
