Beer of the Weekend #16: Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout

Tonight is Adult Swim’s Old School Night. As the promo commercial says, it’s "for all the shows you fell in love with when Adult Swim was young and stupid.” Not only are they broadcasting shows from the original lineup — “Home Movies,” “The Brak Show,” "Space Ghost Coast to Coast," and a favorite of mine, “Cowboy Bebop” — they are using the original logo and bumpers with old people swimming.

Old school. Reminds me of college.

Anyway, the beer this weekend is Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout brewed by the Anderson Valley Brewing Company of Boonville, California.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles.

Appearance: Deep, opaque black. No light came through when I held it against my lamp. A creamy, coffee tan head lingered for a moment and then slowly began to dissipate.

Smell: Dark chocolate and oatmeal malts. No coffee.

Taste: Yowza. Very smooth and creamy. There are a few hops in the back of the mouth but the dominant taste is coffee and oats. The chocolate balances everything.

Drinkability: Not an every day drinking beer (of course), but a good stout. Very good stout. I’m a sucker for oatmeal stout.

Fun facts about Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout:

-Serving temp: 50-55°F on BeerAdvocate, but 40-45°F on the Anderson Valley website. I recommend the warmer temperature since it’s a darker beer.

-Alcohol content: 5.7 percent ABV.

-From BeerAdvocate, food pairings include cheese, chocolate dessert, shellfish, and smoked meat.

-A sun is painted on the top of each bottle cap and printed in the center is “SOLAR POWERED BREWERY.” That’s a bold statement, so I went to the Anderson Valley website to verify. It’s true. In 2006 the brewery began operating 768 solar panels (which equates to about 12,160 square feet of the sun soakers). But even that many only halves the brewery’s PG&E dependence.

-The bottom of the bottle cap is another story. Underneath the protective plastic layer there are blurry lines of text. I can’t make them out, so that cute, microbrewery feature fails miserably. Someone needs to call Toohey’s for advice.

-The last couple days I’ve been writing a piece about playing Frisbee golf one hot summer night in 2001 at my old high school, and tonight I find out that the Anderson Valley Brewing Company is home to the world’s only 18-hole disc golf course. I think a visit to Boonville is in order.

-Apparently, the Boonville area spawned a slang-dominated version of English called Boontling in the 1800s. It flourished for about 40 years and you can still hear it to this day. The carrying case of BFOS had the phrase “It's not just shy sluggin gorms neemer” printed on the side. It translates to “It’s not just for breakfast anymore.” A few more examples of Boontling include “apple head” (girlfiend), “chiggrul” (food), “ruby nebs” (drinking water), “cock a fister” (to fight), and “burlap” (sex).

The Quiet Man’s grade: Wow. Anderson Valley is often considered one of the world’s best breweries, and now I know why. Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout is one of the best beers I’ve ever had. A.

See you space cowboy...


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