Beer of the Weekend #1,105: Possible Spam

The beer of the weekend was another brew from my Christmas sixer: Possible Spam, brewed by Gezellig Brewing Company of Newton, Iowa.

Possible Spam

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is light gold. A straight pour produced up to three fingers of white, billowy, dense head that fizzled away evenly and left a web of lacing on the glass.

Smell: Light grain, zest, white bread, corn.

Taste: Earthy hop bitterness surprises the taste buds (I was not expecting that). Light malt, Cheerios, lemon zest, white bread. It is a zesty and bitter one. It is a touch weird and unpleasant, though (I can’t describe it) so I am glad I have only one can, which may have been sitting around somewhere for a while (freshness date, please!).

Fun facts about Possible Spam:

• Style: Pilsner

• Price: Being neighborly.

• Alcohol content: 4.8 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via BA: “You'll want to pick this call up because it's all about Pilsner. Brewed with pale German Pilsner malt, Noble Spalt hops and cool fermented Pilsner yeast for a nice clean crisp lager character.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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