Beer of the Weekend #1,042: Tiki Sour

Football! I’m in the basement watching the West Virginia–Penn State game (why is it on NBC? I don’t know because I am out of the loop), enjoying the second beer of the weekend: Tiki Sour, brewed by the Backpocket Brewing Company of Coralville, Iowa.

Tiki Sour

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “04/03 #55 DRINK LOCAL” is printed on the bottom shoulder.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is a lightly hazy, bubbly gold. A finger of off-white head leaves spots of skim and a very thin collar.

Smell: It smells like a mixed drink that would come with a little umbrella. It is very complex. It is tropical with scents of pineapple and mango but also floral. It reminds me of a lei. It also has a rubbery aroma, like a new bath toy. It also has coconut, which reminds me of a Mounds bar. (Mounds is the one with coconut, right? You get coconut whether you feel like a nut or not, right? I don’t remember and don’t feel like searching for the answer right now.)

Taste: Sweet and tropical. Pineapple is most prominent. I also get mango and coconut. It is very intriguing, tasty, and smooth. It leaves a lasting sweetness on the taste buds. The description mentions key lime, which I also get.

Fun facts about Tiki Sour:

• Style: Sour.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 6.8 percent ABV.

• IBU: 15.

• Here is the description via the brewery website: “Intense tropical flavors come in waves - like being stranded on a desert island with beer and a cabana. Brewed with pineapple, papaya, mango, key lime, raw coconut, vanilla, spices & lactose.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.


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