Beer of the Weekend #1,019: Wizard Lizard

I am dipping into my seasonal 12-pack to review another sour this weekend: Wizard Lizard, brewed by ReUnion Brewery of Coralville, Iowa.

Wizard Lizard

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “CANNED 03/29/23” is printed on the bottom shoulder. (Is it the shoulder if it is the bottom of the can?)

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is medium orange. Two fingers of bubbly, off-white head leaves a frothy lacing and collar. There is a lot of suspended sediment.

Smell: Stone fruit and sour funk. I mostly get the sourness but the aroma is muted overall.

Taste: Intensely sour and funky. It is fruity but has a tequila edge. I do not know how else to describe it; it must be the guava, which I am not familiar with. Mango and a tropical element emerge after the beer has warmed quite a bit, but they are muted.

Fun facts about Wizard Lizard:

• Style: ReUnion calls it “dry hopped sour.”

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: The ABV is not listed on the can, but 5.3 percent is listed on BA.

• Here is the description via the can and brewery website:

This magically sour brew is made with heaps of mango and guava and dry hopped with Amarillo, Mosaic and Ekuanot hops. Wizard Lizard is complex and fruity with waves of tropical fruit and sour juice flavors. Pour this lizard down your gizzard!

• I do not know if I have ever had guava. However, Mervgotti and I did some kind of science project in high school that involved guava. Did we eat it? I don’t remember. We built a webpage for it and incorporated “rolling guava and managa rock” in honor of our favorite beer at the time. (I do not recall was “managa” was. I’ll need to check if Merv remembers.)

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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