Beer of the Weekend #1,018: Feline Peachy

The beer of the weekend on this peachy day is Feline Peachy, brewed by the Backpocket Brewery of Coralville, Iowa.

Feline Peachy

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “03/29 #39 XTRA FUZZY” is printed on the bottom shoulder.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is orange. A finger of fuzzy head fizzled away almost immediately, leaving a microscopic collar.

Smell: Subtle fruit and soar funk. The aroma is not in-your-face, which is something I expect from sours (perhaps I have been spoiled by the berry-flavored sours I have tried). It is sweet and has a sticky, partially dried peach jam character, like the jam that gets left behind on the bottom of the cap or threads of the jar. The beer’s description mentions “a hint of vanilla,” but I feel like vanilla overpowers the peach.

Taste: The flavor mostly mirrors the aroma, and each sip leaves a slight sourness lingering on the taste buds. It has the subtle fruit from the aroma. The vanilla is there as well, vying for prominence, however meek in this case.

Fun facts about Feline Peachy:

• Style: Backpocket calls it “fruited dessert sour.”

• Price: Unsure. It was part of my seasonal 12-pack.

• Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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