Beer of the Weekend #1,016: TV Dinner

I found my snifter! I found it in a box of wine glasses I looked through earlier today—a box we had not completely unpacked when we moved almost two years ago. My Hobgoblin glass is also in the same box, though I have not been missing that (sadly, especially since it may be one of the first non-pint glasses I ever got; I forgot I even had it).

As much as I want to use my snifter tonight, before I pack it again and move it to another house (and hopefully remember where it is), it is not the ideal glassware for TV Dinner, brewed by the Gezellig Brewing Company of Newton, Iowa.

TV Dinner

Serving type: 16-ounce can.“DO NOT MICRO… 03/09…” is printed on the bottom, though the end of each line is smudged.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is black. A finger of dark tan, very fizzy head dissipated quickly and completely, leaving almost no trace, before I could grab my phone charging in the kitchen (d’oh!).

Smell: Dark and roasty! Coffee, cocoa, burnt sugar, dark fruit reminiscent of cherry licorice.

Taste: It mostly mirrors the aroma with flavors of coffee, cocoa, burnt sugar, and cherry licorice. Coffee and burnt sugar are most prominent. The burnt sugar also makes it pop-like. 

Fun facts about TV Dinner:

• Style: Porter.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 6.25 percent ABV.

• I’m surprised a porter is included in the spring seasonal 12-pack. Porter and spring do not go together, at least to me. Some people love drinking dark beer in warm weather, though. I remember hanging out on the patio at Great River one warm spring or summer day and cyclists were drinking stout. As Bobblehead says, variety is the spice of life.

• Instead of getting a six-pack of lager, I filled my growler with Ruthie at The Local tonight. I thought filling a growler was cheaper than getting a sixer, but it is not in this case, even with my 10 percent beer club membership discount. It may be more environmentally friendly than buying a sixer—it is both reducing and reusing—but not cheaper.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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